Version 5

Version 5 of the LEADTOOLS ePrint 5 COM has completely redesigned since the version 4.5 as follows:

The following are new properties, methods and events:


Flags property

IsMAPI property

MAPIPassword property

MAPIProfileName property

SMTPAuthorSettings property

SMTPServerSettings property

UseDefaultMapiProfile property


DOCOptions property

HTMOptions property

PDFOptions property

RTFOptions property

TXTOptions property

WithoutShapes property

MultiPageFile property


Author property

Company property

EnableURLDetect property

ForceHyperlinkColor property

FramedText property

Hyperlink property

Manager property

Subject property

TableDetection property

Title property

Underline property


DimensionsInInches property

MarginsPrinter property

PaperHeight property

PaperID property

PaperSizeName property

PaperWidth property

PortraitOrient property

PrintQuality property

YResolution property


Alpha property

AlphaNum property

Num property

Suffix property

TagOptions property


DocumentType property

OEMPrinterName property

Format property


AboutIcon property

AboutString property

FormatsCount property

SaveFormats property

ShowOptions property


Flags propertyFlagsproperty

Orientation property

PaperLength property

PaperSize property

PaperWidth property

PrintQuality property

YResolution property


AddPageBreak property

AddPageNumber property

TxtSubType property


DocumentOptions property

DocumentType property

FileName property

Format property

RasterOptions property


BitsPerPixel property

Flags property

MultiPageFile property

Passes property

QFactor property

SaveInterlaced property

SaveStamp property

StampBits property

StampHeight property

StampWidth property

TargetFileSize property

UseFileSize property


Author property

Company property

EnableURLDetect property

ForceHyperlinkColor property

FramedText property

Hyperlink property

Manager property

Subject property

Title property

Underline property


CounterInitialValue property

CounterStep property

DigitsCount property

MaskPaddingDigits property

UseMask property


PrinterSaveOptions property

SaveElementsCount property

UseSave property


OEMDriverName property

OEMHelpFile property

OEMMonitorName property

OEMPassword property

OEMPortName property

OEMPrinterName property

OEMProductName property

OEMRegistryKey property

OEMRootDir property

OEMSerialNumber property

OEMUrl property


Alpha property

AlphaNum property

DateType property

Num property

SourceCase property

TagOptions property

TimeType property


NamingOptions property

SaveOptions property


CharactersCount property

CounterAlphaEnd property

CounterAlphaStart property

CounterInitialValue property

CounterStep property

MaskPaddingChars property

UpperCase property

UseMask property


Password property


AddPrinter method

GetPrinterIndex method

Printer property

PrintersCount property

RemovePrinter method


BestFit property

Borders property

EnhancedOptions property

Gutter property

GutterInside property

GutterUnit property

GutterWidth property

HorizontalAlign property

Layout property

Margin property

MarginOffset property

Ordering property

PrintingMethod property

Repeat property

RightToLeft property

VerticalAlign property


Bcc property

Body property

Cc property


Subject property

To property

UseMail property


Bold property

BookmarkFontsCount property

Fonts property

Italic property

Levels property

LevelsCount property

Size property


Assembly property

Author property

AutoEmbed property

BookMarkFont property

Checked property

Comments property

CompressedDocuments property

CompressedImages property

Copy property

CountPages property

CustomMag property

DashedHyperlink property

Edit property

Embedable property

EmbedAll property

EmbeddedFontsCount property

EnableURLDetect property

Factor property

FaithfulPrint property

Fonts property

ForceEmbed property

ForceHyperlinkColor property

Hyperlink property

Keywords property

LevelMajor property

LevelMinor property

Linearized property

Magnification property

Method property

OwnerPassword property

PageLayout property

PageMode property

Print property

Protect property

ShowMenu property

ShowToolbar property

ShowWindowControl property

StartPage property

Subject property

Title property

UserPassword property

Version property


CharactersCount property

CounterAlphaEnd property

CounterAlphaStart property

CounterInitialValue property

CounterNumEnd property

CounterNumStart property

CounterStep property

MaskPaddingChars property

UpperCase property

UseMask property


AutoEmbed property

BackgroundColor property

Checked property

Compatibility property

Embedable property

EmbedAll property

EmbeddedFontsCount property

EnableURLDetect property

Fonts property

ForceEmbed property

ForceHyperlinkColor property

Hyperlink property

Title property

Underline property

Unicoded property


AccountName property

AccountPassword property

Authentication property

PortNumber property

ServerTimeout property

SmtpMailServer property


EmailAddress property

Name property

Organization property

ReplyAddress property


AddPrinter method

ContinueShowUIEvent property

CreateEmailDC method

CreateRedirectionDC method

CreateSaveDC method

DeleteDC method

EMFEvent event

EnableEMFEvent property

EnableJobInfo property

EnableMethodErrors property

EnableRasterEvent property

EnableSaveStatusEvent property

EnableShowUIEvent property

EndDoc method

EndDocumentConversion method

EndPage method

GetDefaultEnhancedOptions method

GetDefaultNamingOptions method

GetPrinterBatchPrintersList method

GetPrinterConflictSolving method

GetPrinterUISettings method

GetDefaultRenamingOptions method

GetDocName property

GetJobID property

GetMachineName property

GetPagesPrinted property

GetPrinterMailMessageInfo method

GetPrinterName property

GetPrinterSaveOptions method

GetPrinterSpecifications method

GetPrinterType method

GetUserName property

InstallOEMPrinter method

IsOEMPrinterLocked method

IsSupportLocked method

JobInfoEvent event

LockOEMPrinter method

OEMActivate method

RasterEvent event

RemovePrinter method

SaveStatusEvent event

SetPrinterBatchPrintersList method

SetPrinterConflictSolving method

SetPrinterEmailConfiguration method

SetPrinterMailMessageInfo method

SetPrinterSaveOptions method

SetPrinterSpecifications method

SetPrinterUISettings method

ShowUIEvent event

StartDoc method

StartDocumentConversion method

StartPage method

UIAboutBox property

UIMsgCaption property

UninstallOEMPrinter method

UnlockOEMPrinter method

UnlockSupport method


EnhancedOptions property

Flags property

InitDevmode property

PrinterName property