GetPrinterConflictSolving method (IEPrint)

Visual Basic Example

Visual C++ Example



OverwriteConstants GetPrinterConflictSolving (BSTR pszPrinterName, IEpnRenamingOptions * pRenamingOptions);


Refer to Setting and Getting ePrint Printer Specifications.


Gets the conflict solving mechanism for output file names of an ePrint printer.

Support for Basic functionality must be unlocked by calling the UnlockSupport method before using this method.

If the returned value of this methoed is SAVE_RENAME or SAVE_APPEND_FAVOR_RENAME, the pRenamingOptions parameter will be filled with the renaming files options. Otherwise it will be NULL.

The user can pass NULL to the pRenamingOptions parameter if the renaming files options are not desired.

Calling this method will update the values of the following properties of the IEpnRenamingOptions object:

Alpha property

AlphaNum property

Num property

Suffix property

TagOptions property

Note that the Alpha, AlphaNum, and Num properties are read-only interface properties that contain multiple sub-properties. Calling the GetPrinterConflictSolving method updates each individual sub-property associated with the three interface properties.

To set the conflict solving mechanism, update all of the properties referenced above and call the SetPrinterConflictSolving method, which sets the updated properties.

See Also


UnlockSupport method, SetPrinterConflictSolving method, Alpha property, AlphaNum property, Num property, Suffix property, TagOptions property


ePrint: Getting and Setting Printer Specifications.