Title property (IEpnHtmOptions)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



BSTR Title;


Refer to Setting and Getting ePrint Printer Specifications.


Gets or sets a character string that contains the title of the HTML page.

Support for Basic functionality must be unlocked by calling the UnlockSupport method before using this method.

This property is used to configure the HTML pages properties.

To update the value of this property with the currently used setting, call the GetPrinterSaveOptions method.

To update the HTML pages properties, set this property and the other IEpnHtmOptions properties accessed by the HTMOptions property and call the SetPrinterSaveOptions method.

See Also


BackgroundColor property, Compatibility property, Unicoded property, EnableURLDetect property, Underline property, ForceHyperlinkColor property, Hyperlink property, ForceEmbed property, AutoEmbed property, EmbedAll property, EmbeddedFontsCount property, Checked property, Embedable property, Fonts property, GetPrinterSaveOptions method, SetPrinterSaveOptions method, HTMOptions property


ePrint: Getting and Setting HTML Pages Options