UnlockOEMPrinter method (IEPrint)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short UnlockOEMPrinter (BSTR pszPrinterName, BSTR pszPassword);


Refer to Using the OEM Version of ePrint.


Unlocks a specified OEM printer, enabling applications to print directly to it.

Support for OEM functionality must be unlocked by calling the UnlockSupport method before using this method.

This method unlocks an OEM printer that was previously locked using the LockOEMPrinter method.

Call this method to unlock the OEM printer. OEM printers are installed by calling InstallOEMPrinter method. When InstallOEMPrinter method was called, the string passed to the pszPassword parameter must be the same as the string set in the OEMPassword property of the IEpnOemPrinterInfo object.

See Also


LockOEMPrinter method, UnlockSupport method, InstallOEMPrinter method, UninstallOEMPrinter method, CreateSaveDC method, CreateRedirectionDC method, CreateEmailDC method, IsOEMPrinterLocked method


ePrint: Locking and Unlocking OEM Printers


Types of Printers