UninstallOEMPrinter method (IEPrint)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short UninstallOEMPrinter (IEpnOemPrinterInfo * pOemInfo);


Refer to Using the OEM Version of ePrint.


Uninstalls an OEM printer from the system.

Support for OEM functionality must be unlocked by calling the UnlockSupport method before using this method.

The user should set the OEMMonitorName property (IEpnOemPrinterInfo), OEMPortName property (IEpnOemPrinterInfo), and OEMDriverName property with valid data before calling this method

Note that this method will remove all printers that use the driver named set in the OEMDriverName property

See Also


LockOEMPrinter method, UnlockOEMPrinter method, UnlockSupport method, InstallOEMPrinter method, CreateSaveDC method, CreateRedirectionDC method, CreateEmailDC method


ePrint: Installing and Uninstalling OEM Printers


Types of Printers