SetPrinterEmailConfiguration method (IEPrint)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



Short SetPrinterEmailConfiguration(BSTR pszPrinterName, IEpnMailConfigurationSettings * pMailConfigSettings);


Refer to Setting and Getting ePrint Printer Specifications


Sets the e-mail configurations of an ePrint printer.

Support for Basic functionality must be unlocked by calling the UnlockSupport method before using this method.

These settings will be used each time you print using the ePrint printer and enable emailing of the files.

When setting e-mail configurations of an OEM printer, the user must first install the OEM printer using InstallOEMPrinter.

Before calling this method, the user should set the values of the following properties of the IEpnMailConfigurationSettings object:

Flags property

IsMAPI property

MAPIPassword property

MAPIProfileName property

SMTPAuthorSettings property

SMTPServerSettings property

UseDefaultMapiProfile property

Note that the SMTPAuthorSettings, and SMTPServerSettings properties are read-only interface properties that contain multiple sub-properties. Calling the SetPrinterEmailConfiguration method sets each individual sub-property associated with the two interface properties.

See Also


UnlockSupport method, InstallOEMPrinter method, UninstallOEMPrinter method, SetPrinterSpecifications method, SetPrinterSaveOptions method, SetPrinterMailMessageInfo method, SetPrinterUISettings method, SetPrinterBatchPrintersList method, Flags property, IsMAPI property, MAPIPassword property, MAPIProfileName property, SMTPAuthorSettings property, SMTPServerSettings property, UseDefaultMapiProfile property


ePrint: Getting and Setting Printer Specifications