LEADTOOLS ePrint 6 Professional
ePrint Task Printer Creation Wizard SharePoint Options Page

Task  Wizard SharePoint Options Page

The Task Wizard SharePoint Options Page lets you specify SharePoint options like the server name, etc.

The following fields are on the Save As dialog:

Upload Files To SharePoint List box:

Select the check boxes beside the filenames of the files that are to be saved to the SharePoint site.

Server Name Edit box:

Enter the server name of the SharePoint site.

Repository Edit box:

Enter the name for the Repository of the SharePoint site. To create a new folder, add the folder name at the end.

User Name Edit box:

Enter the user name that has authentication to upload to the SharePoint site.

Password Edit box:

Enter the corresponding password for the user name.

Save User Name and Password Check box:

Select this check box to save the user name and password.

Overwrite existing file Check box:

Select this check box to overwrite the file, if a file with the same name currently exists on the SharePoint site.