ShowOptions property (IEpnUISettings)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long ShowOptions;


Refer to Setting and Getting ePrint Printer Specifications.


Gets or sets a value that determines the tabs to be displayed on the Printer Properties dialog and the options available in the Normal Edition Save Dialog that will be displayed when printing to a normal ePrint printer.


A normal ePrint printer is either the printer installed by the ePrint setup; or a printer installed by passing the PRINTER_OEM_NORMAL as a printer type to the InstallOEMPrinter method.

Support for Basic functionality must be unlocked by calling the UnlockSupport method before using this method.

You can use a bit wise OR (|) to specify more than one flag. Possible values are:




[0x00000001] Hide the Email button in the ePrint Save Dialog. This value is valid only when printing to a normal ePrint printer.


[0x00000002] Hide the Printers button in the ePrint Save Dialog. This value is valid only when printing to a normal ePrint printer.


[0x00000004] Hide the Paper tab in the ePrint Printer Properties. This value is valid for all ePrint printer types.


[0x00000008] Hide the Graphics tab in the ePrint Printer Properties. This value is valid for all ePrint printer types.


[0x00000010] Hide the status dialog while printer saving. This value is valid only when printing to a normal ePrint printer.

The default value is 0.

This property is used to customize the ePrint user interface.

To update this property with the currently used value, call the GetPrinterUISettings method.

To set a new value for this property, assign the value to it and call the SetPrinterUISettings method.

See Also


AboutString property, AboutIcon property, FormatsCount property, SaveFormats property, SetPrinterUISettings method, GetPrinterUISettings method


ePrint: Getting and Setting User Interface Options


Types of Printers