RightToLeft property (IEpnEnhancedOptions)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long RightToLeft;


Refer to Using the OEM Version of ePrint.


Indicates whether to arrange the pages on the printed sheet from the right to the left or from the left to the right, when printing using the enhanced printing options. Possible values are:





Arrange the pages from the right to the left.


Arrange the pages from the left to the right. This is the default value.

Support for Basic functionality must be unlocked by calling the UnlockSupport method before using this method.

The following methods update this property:

GetDefaultEnhancedOptions method

GetPrinterBatchPrintersList method

To update the enhanced printing options of a batch printer found in the batch printers list, set this property and the other IEpnEnhancedOptions properties accessed by the EnhancedOptions property (IEpnBatchPrinterInfo) and call the SetPrinterBatchPrintersList method.

See Also


VerticalAlign property, HorizontalAlign property, Layout property, Margin property, Ordering property, Borders property, PrintingMethod property, GutterUnit property, Gutter property, EnhancedOptions property, GutterInside property, MarginOffset property, Repeat property, BestFit property, GutterWidth property, GetDefaultEnhancedOptions method, GetPrinterBatchPrintersList method, SetPrinterBatchPrintersList method


ePrint: Enhanced Printing