RTFOptions property (IEpnDocumentOptions)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



IEpnRtfOptions * RTFOptions;


Refer to Setting and Getting ePrint Printer Specifications.


(Rea only) Gets the information about RTF document properties. Use this property only if the value of the Format property of the IEpnSaveOptions object is set to FILE_EPN_RTF.

Support for Basic functionality must be unlocked by calling the UnlockSupport method before using this method.

This IEpnRtfOptions object contains the following properties:

Author property

Company property

EnableURLDetect property

ForceHyperlinkColor property

FramedText property

Hyperlink property

Manager property

Subject property

Title property

Underline property

The above properties are updated by calling the GetPrinterSaveOptions method.

The RTFOptions property itself is read only. However, the properties accessed by this property can be set with new values. To set these values, call the SetPrinterSaveOptions method.

See Also


PDFOptions property, HTMOptions property, TXTOptions property, DOCOptions property, WithoutShapes property, MultiPageFile property, Author property, Company property, EnableURLDetect property, ForceHyperlinkColor property, FramedText property, Hyperlink property, Manager property, Subject property, Title property, Underline property, SetPrinterSaveOptions method, GetPrinterSaveOptions method, DocumentOptions property


ePrint: Getting and Setting Saving Options