IEpnPdfOptions Object

This IEpnPdfOptions Object consists of the following functionality:


Assembly property

Author property

AutoEmbed property

BookMarkFont property

Checked property

Comments property

CompressedDocuments property

CompressedImages property

Copy property

CountPages property

CustomMag property

DashedHyperlink property

Edit property

Embedable property

EmbedAll property

EmbeddedFontsCount property

EnableURLDetect property

Factor property

FaithfulPrint property

Fonts property

ForceEmbed property

ForceHyperlinkColor property

Hyperlink property

Keywords property

LevelMajor property

LevelMinor property

Linearized property

Magnification property

Method property

OwnerPassword property

PageLayout property

PageMode property

Print property

Protect property

ShowMenu property

ShowToolbar property

ShowWindowControl property

StartPage property

Subject property

Title property

UserPassword property

Version property